HUD Institutes Cash Management Practices for the EHV program

On Dec. 19, HUD published a notice titled “Cash Management and Closeout Procedures for the Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) Program funds, and Supplemental Information Regarding EHV Contract Renewal Calculation.” The notice establishes cash management procedures for PHAs with EHVs. These vouchers are for households that are homeless; at risk of homelessness; fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking; or recent homeless or have a high risk of housing instability.

The Department will distribute EHV funds in accordance with Treasury cash management procedures. It will make monthly or multi-month disbursements based on the most recent month of validated EHV Housing Assistance Payments (HAP). Excess HAP will be held in HUD-held reserve accounts. Undisbursed amounts will likely be offset in the next year. Moving to Work agencies will be subject to these cash management processes.

The full notice can be found here.

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