HUD Releases Notice on Executive Compensation for 2017

HUD recently issued Notice PIH-2018-13 providing additional information on calendar year (CY) 2017 executive compensation reporting. The Notice specifically instructs PHAs on how to use the HUD-52725 Form that reports executive compensation for CY 2017. The requirements apply to all PHAs that administer a public housing or Section 8 program, including PHAs that have  converted their entire public housing portfolio through RAD that still receive funding sourced from Section 8 or 9 of the US Housing Act of 1937.
The FY 2017 Consolidated Appropriations Act included language (members only) prohibiting PHAs from using any Tenant-Based Voucher, Operating Fund, or Capital Fund dollars to pay any amount of salary above the base rate of pay for level IV of the Executive Schedule, or $161,900 for FY 2017. This restriction included salary as well as bonuses or other incentive pay. This provision affirmed a policy that has been in place since the FY 2015 Consolidated Appropriations Act.

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